Editorial Reviews
Roland Hayes: The Legacy of an American Tenor
"As a youth in Indianapolis, my heroes were a [trio] of African Americans... the great concert tenor Roland Hayes, the stunning contralto Marian Anderson, and the robust basso Paul Robeson. I placed Roland Hayes as the point man in this corps of luminaries. Although slight of physical stature he was in every other aspect of his life and career a giant. His voice was delicate, but his artistic use of it placed him at the pinnacle of accomplishment, ensuring his place in the international annals of musical attainment. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Drs. Christopher Brooks and Robert Sims for bringing Roland Hayes to the world in this comprehensive appraisal of, and tribute to, his momentous life and ineradicable legacy." ―George Shirley, From the Foreword
"Like manygenerations of celebrated African American concert artists, I aman inheritorof the legacyleftby the great Roland Hayes. Yet, we hardly knowhis name today. With this long overduebook, the oversight is now remedied." ―Lawrence Brownlee, Metropolitan Opera
"An impressive work of scholarship, shedding light on a significant figure in American music and the time in which he lived." ―Epoch Times
"Until the arrival of the1990 PBS documentary, Roland Hayes's path breaking career as a great musical artist had fallen into near obscurity. TheMusical Legacy of Roland Hayesexposedthat generation tothis Americanicon who openeddoors for legends like Marian Anderson and George Shirley.This book, Roland Hayes: The Legacy of an American Tenor presents a far more comprehensive and revealingportrait of his musical genius. Hayes's rise to celebrity and the challenges he facedare all givenfull attentionin this very balanced and sensitively handled biography." ―Paul Spencer Adkins, tenor, featured artist, co-producer, andcreative consultant,The Musical Legacy of Roland Hayes PBS documentary
"What we have here is a thorough and well-documented account of the life of a most interesting artist, one who was both a racial pioneer and a fine interpreter of both European art music and African-American spirituals." ―ARSC Journal
"With moving contributions from tenor George Shirley and bass Simon Estes, this text captures the essence of [Hayes's] career thoughtfully compiled with the accuracy of historian Christopher Brooks and the music depth of baritone Robert Sims. This book is a wonderful journey through Hayes' performances, racial plight and acceptance." ―Examiner.com
"Offers a gripping, sensitive, and balanced story of this historical icon and musician." ―The Atlanta Voice
"Largely forgotten today outside specialist circles, the African-American tenor Roland Hayes (1887–1976) was a much admired and internationally celebrated artist during his lifetime. As the authors of this substantial and well-documented new biography suggest, a reluctance to broadcast and a relatively limited recording career have prevented wider circulation of his fame in our own day... The authors detail his long career meticulously, as well as his complicated private life." ―BBC Music Magazine
"Like many, I was familiar with the name Roland Hayes and his recordings, but thought of him as a historical figure belonging to a bygone era. The book, however, has dramatically expanded my knowledge of this man and his art. This incredibly well-researched book (with impeccable notes) brings to light the complexities of the periods in which Roland Hayes and his contemporaries lived and operated. Roland Hayes: The Legacy of an American Tenor will certainly appeal to the general reader, but will not disappoint specialists. It is an excellent and engaging read and I highly recommend it." ―Portia K. Maultsby, Laura Boulton Professor Emerita of Ethnomusicology, Indiana University
"Well researched, with several primary sources and newspapers cited, the volume includes 48 illustrations of Hayes and other musicians.... Highly recommended." ―Choice